Addis Ababa, Dec 23 (IANS) Ethiopia has registered 2,992 new Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours, taking the nationwide tally to 382,371, the country's health ministry said.
The ministry reported three new Covid-19-related deaths and 136 recoveries, bringing the national death and recovery counts to 6,880 and 351,304 respectively as of Wednesday evening.
Ethiopia, Africa's second-most populous nation, has so far reported the largest number of Covid cases in the East Africa region, Xinhua news agency reported.
Over the past few days, the East African country is witnessing a spike in new Covid cases.
Amid its national push for vaccination, Ethiopia has administered 10,693,272 doses of Covid vaccines, according to the ministry.
Ethiopia is among the countries hardest hit by Covid in Africa, following South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya.
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