Orlando Indian Community - OrlandoIndian.com
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Register for OrlandoIndian.com
Registration for OrlandoIndian.com is FREE and will take less than a minute for your account to be activated.
Note: Please provide a valid email address as all your responses will be sent to the email address you provide here. Please make sure you mark our email to your SAFE list incase you find our email in Spam folder.
All Fields mark with * are required.
Member Information
Required Information
First Name * (max. 30 character)
Last Name *
Gender * Male Female
User Name (Do not use spaces) *
Password * (Do not use @ or & symbol in password)
Email Address *
Cell Phone
City *
Your Main Languages (Hold the CTRL key down and select, to select multiple)
Housing/Apartment Community Name
(e.g. Redmond Ridge, King's Court Apartments) This will help connect people in same community)
Or Enter Name:
Terms and Conditions
I have read and agree to Terms and Conditions
How did you hear about us? (Please provide the specific name)
Yes, I would like to receive E-Newsletter from OrlandoIndian.com

Optional Information
Some of the information will help us better present the information
Your Twitter Username
Your Blog URL
Date Of Birth (We may surprise you) Month   Day   Year (4 digits)
Address 1
Address 2