Chennai, Feb 28 (IANS) The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) on Wednesday conducted raids at the residence and premises of former Panruti Municipal Chairman P. Panneerselvam and his wife and former MLA Satya Panneerselvam.
The raids were conducted at a few other places belonging to his associates as well.
Panneerselvam was the Chairman of the Panruti Municipality in Cuddalore district from 2011-16. The searches were conducted at five places in Panruti and one premises in Chennai.
The DVAC team, led by Additional DSP N. Devanathan, arrived at the house of Panneerselvam on Wednesday morning.
The searches were sequel to a case registered by the Cuddalore unit of DVAC against Panneerselvam and then Commissioner of Panruti Municipality, Perumal, over alleged financial irregularities in the allotment of a cycle stand belonging to the local body.
One team also conducted searches at the residence of Perumal in Chennai.
A DVAC official said that the raids pertained to certain irregularities in awarding contracts while Panneerselvam was the Chairman of the Panruti municipality.
A case was filed against Pannerselvam, Perumal and four others under the relevant Sections of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
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